Enhanced Leadership Development Programme (ELDP) is a platform for our exceptional volunteers / coordinators where they can expand their capacity to contribute in leadership roles within Bhumi and outside in their personal / professional life.
programme structure
Programme has been divided into different phases!
Registration and Application Phase
Upon registering as an applicant, the applicant’s eligibility is verified before being invited for the orientation. At the orientation, the applicant is introduced to the selection process and the leadership journey of an ELDP coordinator (Application is opened to the applicant only after the orientation).
Once the application is filled by the applicants, it will go through a review followed by a Personal Discussion – to ensure selection of eligible volunteers who can be potential leaders.
Training Phase
Once the results are announced at the Launch party, ELDP support team will guide the applicants by connecting them to the respective team for smooth transition followed by training on the Organisational and Leadership aspects. And thereafter capacity building sessions will be held periodically.
Enhancement Phase
The programme and city leadership teams will guide the city and project teams towards enhancing the effectiveness of the projects. Those applicants who request for mentors, will be mapped with mentors to help them groom to be better leaders. Also, general grooming would be provided by their respective Program Support Teams on a regular basis through grooming sessions.
If you fall under anyone of these, you are eligible to apply.
Past National / Chapter Support Team Member
Current / Past LB Coordinator
Bhumi Changemaker / Torchbearer / Trailblazer Awardee
roles & responsibilities
The roles & responsibilities are derived from the expectations and are only indicative and not exhaustive
Chapter Support Team (CST)
A chapter support team will collectively work towards the sustainability of their city. Each team member will have a focus area but overall will be responsible for the entire chapter.
- Setting the Chapter Vision
- Participating in monthly meetings with Program Support Team(PST).
- Planning All Coordinators Meet to discuss the progress every two months
- Resolving Conflicts
- Conducting minimum two field visits in a month
- Budgeting, Fundraising, Asset Management for their programme / city
Grooming the next set of leaders for their programme /city through events like CityCon. - Supporting the development of volunteers in the city/ programme
- Conceptualising and planning Bhumi Awards
Managing local Changedrivers
National / Regional Support Team (NST/ RST)
The National Support Team will collectively work towards enhancing and strengthening Bhumi’s current projects nationally.
- Setting overall project vision & goal.
- Revising, enhancing and creating any new content if required for project curriculum with the support of Content and Training Lead and Curriculum Manager
- Participating in Monthly meetings with Program Support Team(PST).
- Planning and coordinating project meets once every two months
- Resolving Conflicts within their project
- Conducting minimum two field visits every month
- Budgeting and Fundraising for their projects / programme
- Grooming next set of leaders in their projects / programme through events like CityCon.
- Conceptualising and planning – Ignite Fest (for Ignite NSTs only), Nakshatra (For REFRESH NSTs only), Daanustav, Carnivol, NVW (For Catalyse NSTs only
selection process
The selection process is a combination of application, how much you already know about the organisation and what are your and organisation expectations from one another

Application Phase
To convey the role interest and purpose

Goals and Plans
Define your goals clearly, prioritize strategies, and create a plan for achieving them as pre-work for the next stage

Panel Discussion
A panel discussion where applicants discuss and refine their leadership goals, objectives, and strategies.
Apply for ELDP 2024 cohort
ELDP 2016 Cohort
Our first cohort started in 2016 with 14 participants, has seen 4 out of 14 projects being successful and creating a positive impact within our organisation.

ELDP 2018 Cohort
Our second cohort on 2018 with 27 Applicants.

Leadership Cohort 2022
Our Latest Batch of Leaders

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The purpose of ELDP – To incubate and develop socially impactful leadership for Bhumi and for the society.
The levels of leadership are divided based on the scope, scale and support provided at different levels. National Level and Chapter Level leadership are required to guide and provide support to the project teams at city levels. They in turn will be provided with more support through trainings and resources that enhance their leadership capabilities.
Volunteers in Bhumi evolve right from the time they join – with more experience as a team and at a point of time, volunteers, start taking up responsibilities on their own – leading without a title.
ELDP being National level and Chapter level leadership may require higher experience to understand the organisational operations and functioning. And a volunteer who has been a part of LB will be able to empathise when he/she supports many LB Coordinators as a CST/NST/RS
As mentioned in the previous question, when volunteers begin to start taking up responsibilities on their own – leading without a title, that’s when, they are nominated by volunteers to be awarded and such volunteers will be able to emathise, plan and support the teams collectively when he/she collaborates with other Coordinators as a CST/NST/RST.
ELDP is mainly leadership programme and Lead Bhumi will recommend the ELDP Applicant to take up a role either as a part of Chapter Support Team or as a part of National.
An ELDP Participant who is a part of Chapter Support Team (CST) will be taking care of all projects in a programme or all programmes in the city.
An ELDP Participant who is a part of National Support Team (NST) will be taking care of a project in all the cities wherever the respective project is functioning – as a team.
All ELDP Participants who complete the committed period will be provided with a certificate of completion of the Enhanced Leadership Development Programme.
Upon successful completion of the ELDP programme, the person is expected to have
- Exposure and understanding of the requirements and challenges in handling social problems at scale,
- Understanding of the working structures of different components of an organization and or project
- Awareness of one’s own leadership style and support in building competency in leading teams.
In addition to the above, the person will be supported in their path forward either with Bhumi or to set up their own social purpose organization.
We understand that one year commitment given currently may not be sufficient as a lot of challenges are faced once the coordinators move on. To ensure proper handover and succession planning is done, a minimum of 18 months is required which will ensure project/city is sustainable and taken forward by the right person.
Lead Bhumi is the overall leadership platform, under which there are 3 programs for different levels of leadership – Lead Projects (Center level leadership); Lead Bhumi (Chapter level Project leadership); ELDP (National / Chapter level leadership).